Joint Support - The One Supplement Everyone Should be Taking
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Joint Support: Supplement Review
Joint Support from Infinite Labs – If you were to going to the beach, you would never go to the beach without bringing sunscreen because you would get a severe sunburn. Recreational weight trainers, athletes, crossfitters, etc. go to the gym everyday much like the person with fair skin going to the beach without protecting their joints. It’s not until a person feels his shoulder, knee, or hip start hurting that they consider taking a joint support supplement. The average car gets its oil changes and tires replaced due to wear and tear from driving, but your joints are like a car that needs regular maintenance. The key to longevity in any sports is to protect your joints from injury before it happens.
The Dangers of Over the Counter NSAIDS
Just about every athlete will experience some joint discomfort if they train long enough. For most, it’s either the knee or elbow that will start aching after years of competitive sports or weight lifting. For years, there was only ibuprofen and Aleve or pharmaceuticals, but these anti-inflammatory drugs are not without side effects. The FDA recently released on their website a warning statement about the use of NSAIDS and their risks for heart disease and stroke. See the article here: FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA strengthens warning that non-aspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause heart attacks or strokes. There is a safe alternative for athletes and fitness enthusiasts to use to avoid the dangerous side effects of NSAIDS for joint support, which is a combination of natural anti-inflammatory ingredients.
Glucosamine Sulfate
Glucosamine works by promoting the health of tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Glucosamine is not only responsible for stimulating the manufacture of substances necessary for proper joint function, but it also stimulates joint repair. In addition to to it’s joint and ligament properties, animal models have shown that glucosamine can also increase lifespan!
Glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance in the human body. It’s abundant in the joints. This compound is harvested from the shells of shellfish. Research suggests that glucosamine acts in the body in a number of different ways, including stimulating the body’s manufacture of cartilage and inhibiting its breakdown. Glucosamine also reduces inflammation and enhances the production of one of the compounds responsible for the cushioning and lubricating properties of the synovial fluid that lines the joints. When choosing a glucosamine based joint formula, it is imperative to use the glucosamine sulfate form, instead of just ordinary glucosamine. Glucosamine Sulfate is stabilized with sodium chloride, also known as table salt. The sulfate part of glucosamine sulfate is the most important component. Sulfur is necessary for building and repairing cartilage.
One of the best trials examining the effectiveness of glucosamine sulfate was a 3-year, double-blind study of 212 people with osteoarthritis of the knee. Participants receiving glucosamine showed reduced symptoms of joint stiffness as compared to those receiving placebo. A similar study in subjects with osteoarthritis for 6 months while taking either acetaminophen, glucosamine, or a placebo, researchers found that the difference between acetaminophen and placebo was not significant, while glucosamine was found to reduce symptoms. In another study that compared glucosamine sulfate to ibuprofen (the active ingredient of Motrin, Advil, and Nuprin), pain scores decreased faster in the first 2 weeks in the ibuprofen group; however, by week 4, the group receiving the glucosamine sulfate was doing significantly better than the ibuprofen group. This means that taking glucosamine will take a few weeks to work before symptoms of joint pain is alleviated but without the added sided effects of NSAIDS.
A 2010 study, researchers, examined markers for cartilage breakdown in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, in response to muscle strength training in combination with treatment with glucosamine, ibuprofen or placebo. Thirty-six elderly patients with bilateral knee osteoarthritis were randomly assigned to treatment with glucosamine, ibuprofen, or placebo after 12 weeks of strength training of both legs with focus on the quadriceps muscle. The ibuprofen group took 600 mg twice a day, and the glucosamine group took 500 mg of glucosamine sulfate three times a day. The researchers examined cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) in the subjects’ blood. COMP has been thought of as a marker of cartilage catabolism. Increased cartilage oligomeric matrix protein causes catabolic processes in the joints. At the end of 12 weeks, all three groups increased their muscle strength following 12 weeks of strength training. Serum COMP levels were reduced in the glucosamine-treated group after the training period, whereas they did not change in the two other groups. Glucosamine reduced COMP (i.e. cartridge breakdown) statistically significant compared to both placebo and ibuprofen; the mean reduction with glucosamine was 13% vs. placebo and 17% vs. ibuprofen. Serum COMP decreased significantly over the 12-week training period when treatment with glucosamine was added to the training regimen. This suggests an effect of glucosamine supplementation reduces cartilage catabolism.
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), a sulfur compound that is found in fruit and vegetables. MSM is involved in the production of collagen, which affects the elasticity skin, joints, and muscle tissue. MSM has been used in the veterinarian world for over 20 years; mostly for pain relief in horses. MSM has potent anti-inflammatory effects and has been useful for treating arthritis. The concentration of sulfur in arthritic cartilage has been shown to be about one-third the level of healthy cartilage. This suggests that MSM plays an essential role in healthy joints. A preliminary study with MSM was performed on patients suffering from degenerative arthritis. Patients were randomized to either receive treated MSM every day while the others received placebo capsules. Eight of the ten patients experienced some relief within six weeks while using MSM while the placebo group had minimal improvement. MSM also seems to shorten the recuperation time from injuries.
MSM Shortens Injury Recovery Time
MSM has also been reported to reduce the duration and need for chiropractic visits necessary for treating athletic injuries. A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted on 24 subjects who had sustained acute injuries. Injured patients were treated with routine chiropractic manipulation, ultrasound, and muscle stimulation at each visit. The experimental group received MSM per day. Patients were discharged from care when all symptoms had resolved. At the end of the study, a 58 % symptom reduction on MSM, versus 33 % reduction on placebo. Patients on MSM had an average of 3.25 visits while those on placebo had an average of 5.25 visits (an average of two fewer visits in the MSM group) before reaching a recovery phase. It also has been found that glucosamine has synergistic effects with MSM. In a double-blind placebo-controlled trial knee osteoarthritis, 500 mg of MSM three times a day, used alone or in combination with 500 mg of glucosamine three times a day, significantly improved pain. The combination of both ingredients was not more efficacious than each ingredient used alone.
White Willow Bark Extract (15% Salicin)
Willow bark is extracted from the white willow or European willow tree. The active ingredient salicin in converted by the body into salicylic acid. The benefits of white willow extract seem to be a reduction in pain and inflammation. One study using white willow bark examined patients suffering pain from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The patients were divided into three groups: willow bark extract, a conventional drug known as diclofenac and a placebo drug. The pain index of all these patients was studied and compared during the trails. The group that was given the willow bark extract and had osteoarthritis reported a 17% decrease in the pain while the diclofenac was able to reduce the pain by 47%. Although the reduction in pain in arthritis with willow bark was less, the results do show that the willow bark offers a modest level of relief from pain caused due to inflammation.
Boswellia Serrata Gum Extract 65% Boswellic Acid
Boswellia is an herb that has anti-inflammation effects. As a result, it shows promise in reducing the risk of arthritis, cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases, cardiovascular disorders, and neurodegeneration. It does not produce an analgesic effect, but may aid in the suppression of inflammation, the underlying cause of pain. Boswellic acid found to be an effective inhibitor of the 5-LOX inflammatory enzyme, thereby reducing inflammatory signaling molecules known as leukotrienes. In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, 30 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee received either a Boswellia extract or placebo. After eight weeks, the supplemented patients demonstrated superior symptom relief—including a decrease in knee pain, increase in knee flexion, and increased walking distance—and decreased frequency of knee swelling. The placebo patients experienced no such changes. In another study of patients with knee osteoarthritis, a Boswellia extract enriched in was shown to produce both clinical improvements in pain scores and physical function scores; in some patients these results were detectable in as little as seven days after beginning supplementation. In a 3-month double-blind trial, 500 mg three times a day of a cocktail of Boswellia and turmeric decreased joint pain, tenderness.
Turmeric Root Extract 95% Curcumin
Curcuma longa or turmeric is a tropical plant native to south and tropical Southeast Asia. It is a member of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae) and is one of the most important of the Indian spices. Curcumin is the principal curcuminoid and the most active component in turmeric. Turmeric contains over 300 different components including the active ingredient curcumin (3–5%). The potential of curcumin against arthritis was first reported in 1980 in a short-term, double-blind, crossover study involving 18 young patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In this study, curcumin’s efficacy was compared with that of the prescription drug phenylbutazone (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Patients were randomly assigned to receive either curcumin (1.2 g/day) or phenylbutazone (0.3 g/day) for two weeks. Curcumin was well-tolerated, had no adverse effects, and exerted an anti-rheumatic activity identical to that of phenylbutazone as shown by improvement in joint swelling, morning stiffness, and walking time. In another recent study, curcumin alone and in combination with diclofenac sodium (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) was found to be safe and effective in 45 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, the level of the inflammatory protein CRP was suppressed in these patients after curcumin administration
Ginger Root Extract: 4:1
Since ancient times, ginger has been widely used as a medicinal herb and spice. Ginger contains a large number of phytochemical constituents. Evidence reports that consumption of ginger aids in relieving pain of joints associated with rheumatoid arthritis. The anti-inflammatory effect of ginger was scientifically proved first back in 1982. Researchers found that compounds from ginger demonstrated potential inhibitory effect to reduce prostaglandin synthesis, which is the key to inflammation. In another study carried out in 1992, researchers found that ginger showed anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting not only prostaglandin but also inflammatory leukotriene biosynthesis. Ginger has also been shown to suppress 5-lipoxygenase, one of the major key elements of inflammation.
Cayenne Pepper Fruit Powder (30,000-60,000)
Cayenne pepper has also long been used around the world as a medicine. Used as an herbal medicine in Greece, China, and the Middle East. Cayenne contains a compound called capsaicin. Cayenne or red pepper spice contains capsaicin that activates the transient potential receptor vanilloid one channel involved in some aspects of inflammation control. One review of several studies indicates that cayenne compared to placebo exerts modest effects for pain relief.
Hyaluronic Acid (as Sodium Hyaluronate)
Hyaluronic acid is present in the synovial fluid of joints. Hyaluronic acid creates a viscous, cushioning environment for joint cartilage, preventing friction from damaging these hard-working tissues. In addition to improving joint lubrication, supplemental hyaluronic acid appears to stimulate the body’s generation of new hyaluronic acid, while alleviating pain and inflammation. One randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study of 20 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee received 80 mg of an orally ingested hyaluronic acid supplement or a placebo daily for two months. The patients supplemented with Hyaluronic Acid reported significant improvement in pain relief, as compared to those who received placebo. More specifically, patients who took the oral hyaluronic acid recorded a 33% improvement in their pain scores, compared to only a 6% improvement in the placebo group.
Infinite Labs Joint Support Formula:
- It contains 1,500 mg of total glucosamine, the same quantity used in medical studies.
- Supports cartilage flexibility and improve overall joint health.
- Supports reduction in inflammation and pain
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