When To Take L-Glutamine: Add The Right Facts In Your Routine
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The human body needs a constant supply of amino acids to function properly. L-glutamine is an essential amino acid that helps the body boost immune function, digestion, and absorption of nutrients. It’s one of the most abundant amino acids in the gut and blood cells—and it’s also required for production of other amino acids like creatine.
L-glutamine also plays a role in muscle recovery after workouts and can help people with gut health issues like leaky gut syndrome and IBS. Experts say that supplementing with L-glutamine can help improve gut health, immune system function, and athletic performance—but only if taken in the right dosage.
Read on to learn all about L-glutamine, its benefits, side effects, forms, dosages, and food sources.
What is L-Glutamine?
- L-glutamine is a supplement that can help support gut health, muscle growth, and immune function. It's popular among bodybuilders and other athletes for its benefits in improving recovery time and performance.
- When taken regularly, it can improve mood and aid in weight loss. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help with chronic conditions such as chronic acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
What are the different forms of L-Glutamine?
-L-Glutamine powders: Powdated L-glutamine is the most common form of the amino acid and it can be easily mixed in a drink or smoothie. powdered glutamine is easy to use and convenient, but it may take longer to absorb than other amino acid supplements.
-L-Glutamine tablets: Tablets are an easy and convenient way to consume L-glutamine. They are easy to swallow and don't leave any residual taste or aftertaste.
-L-Glutamine capsules: Capsules are an effective way of delivering amino acids to the body. Besides, they are easy to open, dissolve, and swallow. However, they do not provide the same benefits as powder form of glutamine when taken in large amounts.
-L-Glutamine liquids: Liquid forms of glutamine are absorbed quickly by the body and provide benefits more effectively than other forms of glutamine supplementation.
Why is L-glutamine a popular amino acid among athletes and bodybuilders?
L-glutamine is a naturally-occurring amino acid that has been shown to support overall health and well-being in both animals and humans.
It is abundant in the body, but can also be obtained from protein-rich foods.
Research has shown that l-glutamine supplementation can have a number of benefits for people of all ages, including:
- Helping to reduce oxidative damage
- Boost immune function
- Support gut health
- Beneficial for individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome and other immune system issues
Should pregnant women take L-Glutamine?
The FDA has classified glutamine as pregnancy category C. There has been no mention of animal reproduction studies. In human pregnancy, there are no controlled data. Glutamine should be used during pregnancy only when the benefits outweigh the risks.
Different dosages of L-Glutamine
-To support gut health: Take 500-2,-000 mg of L-glutamine per day.
-To reduce muscle soreness and fatigue: Take 5-10 grams per day in divided doses.
-To improve exercise performance: Take 2-5 grams before and after exercise.
-To reduce cravings: Take 500-1,000 mg per day to reduce cravings for sugar, alcohol, and tobacco.
What are the side effects of taking L-Glutamine?
- Stomach discomfort or cramps
The most common side effects of glutamine supplementation are gastrointestinal upset and nausea. In some people, stomach discomfort or cramping can occur following glutamine supplementation. This may be due to increased acid production by the body, which can lead to irritation of the stomach lining. Headaches and nausea may also be common side effects of glutamine supplementation.
- Skin irritation
Some individuals experience skin irritation when taking glutamine powder. This is most likely due to allergic reactions to dairy protein in glutamine supplements or concern regarding possible carcinogenic properties of glutamine.
- Potential allergic reactions
Some people may experience a rash or other allergic-type reaction when taking glutamine supplements. Such side effects are rare but can occur, especially if you have a pre-existing immune system problem, such as HIV or a history of immunosuppression.
- Increased risk of cancer
There is some concern that glutamine supplementation may increase the risk of certain cancers, including prostate cancer and possibly pancreatic cancer as well. The most recent research findings do not support this concern, but it is still best to speak with your healthcare provider before taking any supplement for general health improvement.
Answers You Want To Know?
- Which foods contain high amounts of L-Glutamine?
- Meat, fish, and poultry are some of the best sources of L-Glutamine. Red meat is an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, plus amino acids such as l-glutamine. When cooking meat, be sure to add it to a stir-fry or other dish with seasonings that contain amino acids. If you're eating dairy products, consider consuming l-glutamine-rich dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese.
- Another amino acid abundant in l-glutamine is eggs. One large egg contains about 6 grams of l-glutamine. You can use l-glutamine-rich eggs in recipes or eat them plain for extra immune system support.
- Vegetables such as kale, spinach, and cabbage are also good sources of l-glutamine.
You can incorporate l-glutamine into your daily nutrition by eating a variety of these essential amino acids from different food sources.
- Is it better to take glutamine before or after workout?
It is best to supplement your exercise routine with glutamine both before and after your workout. Taking glutamine before a workout provides energy and supports muscle growth; while taking glutamine after a workout helps reduce muscle soreness and speeds up recovery time post-workout.
For best results, glutamine should be taken with food or a protein shake as this maximizes absorption by the body. Be sure to consult with your doctor or nutritionist before taking any supplement as everyone's body is different.
- Should I take glutamine in the morning or night?
Whether you should take glutamine in the morning or night really depends on your goals. L-glutamine can be taken at any time of the day, so it's up to you to decide when and how much glutamine you need.
Some people find that taking glutamine in the morning helps them reduce fatigue, increase focus and concentration levels throughout the day. Others may find that taking glutamine at night helps with muscle recovery and reduces post-workout soreness. So depending on your goals, you can determine which time of day works best for you.
- Is it OK to take glutamine everyday?
It is generally considered safe to take glutamine supplements on a daily basis. However, speak with your healthcare provider to determine the right dosage for your individual needs. Typically, glutamine supplement dosages are as follows: 5-10 grams per day, taken in divided doses of 2-3 grams at a time; however, you should discuss this further with your health care provider.
Words From Us
L-glutamine supplementation can help improve gut health, immune function, and overall health. It is essential for protein metabolism and the synthesis of amino acids. Besides supplementing glutamine-rich foods in your diet, supplementing glutamine can also help. However, it is best to consult a doctor before supplementation as it can cause side effects if taken in excess.