Top 10 Bodybuilding Supplements to Gain Muscle and Lose Bodyfat
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Its summer time and its time for going to beach, so it’s time to drop some body fat and increase lean muscle. There are hundreds of products on the market, but we have narrowed the list down to the top 10 bodybuilding supplements backed by science to achieve your goals.
1.) Creatine Supplements
Creatine plays a significant role in rapid energy provision during muscle contraction involving the regeneration of ATP. Creatine has become the most widely researched ergogenic aid to date, and the research is overwhelmingly clear that creatine not only increases muscle strength but also increases muscle recuperation and may boost muscle growth in ways scientists never knew.
Just when you think creatine can’t get any better, it does!! Results of another study suggest that more than five days of creatine supplementation, associated with resistance exercises is sufficient for increasing testosterone concentrations and decreasing cortisol levels. Creatine may also be a useful dietary supplement for preventing muscle damage and facilitating recovery from high-intensity exercise, which applies to the sports rehabilitation field.
A new study in 2016 reported that the muscle recuperating effects of creatine might be attributed to increased glycogen replenishment. Researchers found that dietary creatine supplementation markedly enhanced post-exercise muscle glycogen storage above placebo during a conventional ‘carbohydrate-loading’ regime and that this augmentation of glycogen storage occurred almost exclusively within the first 24 hours of supplementation. The magnitude of glycogen re-synthesis during the first 24 hours of supplementation was ~82 % greater in the Creatine group compared to a carbohydrate only group). Creatine is the one supplement that most lifters should be taking year round.
In Creatine Magnapower supplement, creatine is the main ingredient which helps to gain lean muscles.
2.) CLA Supplement
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a naturally occurring fatty acid that is found in beef (beef and lamb) and dairy products (milk and cheese). CLA works by reducing body fat by preventing fat accumulation in fat cells. CLA inhibits the activity of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL). This enzyme transfers fats from the bloodstream to the fat cells. As a result of the decreased enzyme activity, the transport of fat is blocked. At the same time, CLA also stimulates the breakdown of stored body fat (lipolysis).
A 2007 study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison confirmed that CLA 95 supplements increased calorie and fat burning during the night by almost 15% as compared to the control group. Over time, the small increase in fat burning that occurs during sleep can lead to a significant loss of body fat. A Norwegian study documented significant body-fat loss with just 1.8 grams of CLA per day. Subjects taking CLA experienced significant reductions in body fat, whereas the placebo subjects showed no change in body fat.
Most people think that they can get adequate amounts of CLA from the diet but according to current research, 3 grams per day (or 3000 mg) is the minimum dosage of CLA in clinical testing found to provide a substantial weight loss effect. To get 3 grams of CLA from your diet, you would have to consume 7 pounds of Grass-Fed Beef or 4 gallons of Milk to get the equivalent of 3 grams of CLA.
3.) Beef Protein Supplements
For years, bodybuilders looking to add size and strength were advocated to have steak for breakfast. Beef is a nutrient-rich, high-quality protein containing all the essential amino acids in proportions similar to those found in human skeletal muscle. Beef protein contains all the vital amino acids, including BCAAs to support muscle growth and repair. Beef protein has a high-quality amino acid that is rich in leucine.
This is important for bodybuilders looking to pack on dense muscle, as having a high leucine content determines muscle protein synthesis. Previous studies have found that protein ingestion post-exercise is enhanced from high leucine fortified proteins. The amino acid composition of protein such as whey and beef is superior to that of soy likely due to an increased leucine content.
For years, whey protein isolate has been the gold standard for post-exercise protein consumption, but a new report suggests that beef protein works just as well as whey protein isolate. Researchers examined post-exercise consumption of two servings of beef protein isolate or whey, compared to a maltodextrin control on lean mass and strength during eight weeks of resistance training.
Thirty college-aged, resistance-trained males and females were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups. Subjects consumed two servings (46g) of:
• Beef Protein Isolate
• Whey Protein Isolate
• Maltodextrin
At the end of the study, both beef protein isolate and whey protein isolate each lead to a significant increase in lean body mass compared with baseline. Fat loss was also significantly decreased at eight weeks compared to baseline for beef protein isolate and whey, 10.8%, and 8.3% respectively. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate that consuming two servings of either beef protein isolate or whey protein isolate following resistance training lead to significant increases in lean body mass and strength. So this is great news for beef protein isolate, given that some people do not tolerate whey protein isolates due to lactose intolerance, beef protein isolate can be a suitable alternative.
4.) Juggernaut X
The ultimate new Juggernaut X Pre Workout supplement helps to support increased workout intensity, stamina and muscular endurance, strength, and massive muscle pumps. Juggernaut X has been designed to provide users with a unique, “plasma expanding” pump. With included ingredients such as Agmatine Sulfate, Citrulline, CarnoSyn®, Malic Acid, Caffeine, Tyrosine, and Creapure®. This unique formula combines all of the necessary pre-workout ingredients to ensure you receive the ‘boost’ needed for that optimal training session desired by many athletes and bodybuilders. Juggernaut X has 8 grams of citrulline, 2.5 grams of beta alanine, 2.5 grams of creatine, 1 gram of Agmatine,1 gram of tyrosine, and 350 mg of caffeine per serving.
5.) Fenugreek Supplements
Fenugreek is a herb that is commonly found growing in the Mediterranean region of the world. While the seeds and leaves are primarily used as a culinary spice, it is also used to treat a variety of health problems in Egypt, Greece, Italy, and South Asia. Fenugreek seeds have been found to contain protein, vitamin C, niacin, potassium, and diosgenin. Other active constituents in fenugreek are alkaloids, lysine, and L-tryptophan, as well as steroidal saponins (diosgenin, yamogenin, tigogenin, and neotigogenin). Fenugreek glycosides are reported to be major components of the health benefits of fenugreek seeds.
In 2010, researchers reported fenugreek increased bioavailable testosterone. Thirty young strength athletes were the test subjects for this study. Half of them took a daily 500 mg fenugreek extract for eight weeks. The other half of the group were given a placebo. In the eight weeks that the study lasted, both groups increased their strength by about the same amount. The lean body mass increased in both the placebo group and the experimental group by 1.6 kg. The amount of bio-available testosterone increased by 26 percent in the fenugreek group. In a different study, conducted by the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, researchers analyzed fenugreek’s effects on strength, body composition, and power output. At the end of the study, 500 mg of this proprietary fenugreek extraction had a significant impact on upper and lower body strength and body composition in comparison to placebo in a double-blind controlled trial.
6.) Tribulus Terrestris Supplements
Tribulus Terrestris is a vine plant that is native to temperate climates in areas of southern Europe, South Asia, Australia and Africa. It has a long history of uses, from promoting muscular development to supporting overall health. Tribulus has been suggested to support levels of testosterone while simultaneously supporting energy levels, recovery time, and muscle gain. Several studies have also found that tribulus has synergistic effects with other nutrients to help support testosterone. Tribulus Terrestris revealed many compounds including steroidal saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and amino acids.
The newest study reported this month in the Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine reported that tribulus could increase anabolic hormones in middle-aged men. The research involved 14 men between the age of 45 and 60 years. The duration of the experiment was 12 weeks. Two capsules were ingested in the morning on an empty stomach (600 mg) and one at bedtime (300 mg). From weeks 6 to 12, six capsules (1,800 mg) were ingested per day in split doses. During the 12 weeks of the experiment, all subjects participated in a physical activity program. At the end of the study, tribulus terrestris supplementation in a group of middle-aged men caused a statistically significant increase in resting T, GH, and IGF-1.
7.) HMB Supplements
β-Hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) is a metabolic derivative of the amino acid leucine. HMB is known to increase muscle protein synthesis through mTOR signaling pathways while concurrently reduce catabolism. Studies utilizing HMB supplementation in trained populations are limited. Under normal conditions, ~5% of leucine consumed is converted in the body to HMB. Overall, the preliminary results suggest that supplementation of HMB with 3 grams per day can increase lean mass and strength in a resistance-training program. It can be found in nature, but it is difficult and impractical to get on a regular basis, for example, 3 grams per day.
Therefore, supplementation may be beneficial for strength training practitioners or those under extreme muscular stress who want to improve athletic performance. If you look at the research, there is a staggering amount of research to support the validity of HMB for increasing lean muscle mass and improving performance. Recently, an 18% increase in strength gain was demonstrated following 12 weeks of HMB ingestion compared to placebo in experienced resistance trained men.HMB has been found to reduce catabolism and increase lean muscle mass.
8.) Multivitamin Supplements
Today we have a widespread depletion of minerals and other nutrients in crop soils, resulting in deficiencies. Without adequate minerals, vitamins become worthless. And the average American diet consists of mostly processed, genetically modified, refined, transported, stored, cooked, and packaged food that no longer has integrity, and in some cases is almost worthless. With that being said, taking multivitamins should not make up for nutritionally poor meals. A whole foods diet should still be the foundation of nutrition. Whole foods provide the best synergies of nutrients and create in you a life force that can never be replicated by swallowing a few capsules. Supplements should be what the name implies – something you take to complement a whole foods diet.
Some people may think that their food supplies all the vitamins and minerals they need, but a recent study suggests that a good multivitamin can slash the risk of death in men and women. A study of nearly 9,000 adults followed the participants for nearly two decades to see whether or not multivitamin usage played a role in heart health. Among women taking multivitamin supplements for at least three years was associated with a 35 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease. It’s interesting to note that only those taking multivitamin-mineral supplements experienced the benefit, and they had to take them for three years or more. This suggests the minerals may be of crucial importance, and also that it’s not a quick fix or a cure-all by any means. Dietary supplements are intended to be just that… a supplement to a healthy lifestyle.
9.) Leucine Supplements
The branched-chain amino acid L-leucine appears to be the primary nutritional regulator of muscle protein synthesis via direct activation of the nutrient-sensitive mTORC1 signaling pathway. L-Leucine is the primary branched chain amino acid known for the ability to support protein synthesis and help slow the catabolic process.
Leucine is probably the most well-researched amino acid to date for increasing protein synthesis. For example, leucine, but not isoleucine or valine, can stimulate an increase in muscle protein synthesis through activation of the mTOR pathway in animals. mTOR is such a potent activator of muscle growth; scientists have reported that if you block mTOR with the drug rapamycin, muscle growth is completely inhibited despite muscle overload. Leucine is like the gas pedal for stimulating protein synthesis. So now that you know that mTOR is needed for muscle building and that leucine acts as a stimulator of mTOR.
To demonstrate the potent muscle building properties of leucine. Nine trained men performed three lower-body resistance exercise sessions involving four sets of 8–10 repetitions at 75%–80% one repetition maximum on the angled leg press and knee extension exercises. Immediately following each session, participants orally ingested:
– 3 g cellulose placebo or
– 3 grams of L- leucine
Blood samples were obtained pre-exercise and at post exercise, 2, and 6 hours postexercise. Muscle biopsies were obtained pre-exercise and at 2 and 6 hours postexercise. At the end of the study, supplementation did not induce increases in serum IGF-1; however, skeletal muscle IGF-1 concentrations were significantly increased at 2 and 6 hours postexercise in response to the leucine supplementation.
10.) Green Tea Extract
Green tea is made from the dried leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Compared to black tea and oolong tea, green tea contains the highest amount of green tea catechins, the major polyphenols in green tea that constitutes about 35% of its total dry weight. A 2-gram bag of green tea contains about 500 mg of green tea catechins. The most abundant green tea catechins are (−)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which accounts for about 68–69% of green tea catechins. Green tea is a powerhouse antioxidant that has been consumed for thousands of years.
The health benefits of green tea are numerous and has been linked to a broad range of different health benefits such as an increase in antioxidant potential, a reduction in the mortality rate from cardiovascular disease, a reduced development of coronary artery disease and a lowering of plasma cholesterol. Green tea does contain antioxidants that can be invaluable to the bodybuilder. After intense resistance exercise, muscle fibers are damaged at the molecular level, causing free radical production. Green tea has been shown to suppress inflammation that can negatively affect muscle growth, and also a previous study has shown that green tea extract also can suppress cortisol.