Infinite One, Vitamin C
Infinite One, Vitamin C

Infinite One Series: Vitamin C Supplement Review

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Infinite One, Vitamin C
Vitamin C has also been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Infinite One Series: Vitamin C Supplement Review

Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant against free radicals and assists in the protection against immune system deficiencies. Vitamin C is protective because it decreases inflammatory markers that alter the body’s stress response. Vitamin C has also been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. When inflammatory hormones increase, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis that regulates the release of cortisol and other hormones becomes dysregulated leading to a cascade of negative health effects. Peer-reviewed research studies have found that Vitamin C inhibits cortisol released by as much as 30%.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant against free radicals and assists in the protection against immune system deficiencies.*



Infinite One, Vitamin C
At the end of the 2 week study, men who consumed 1 gram of vitamin C a day for two weeks, they had significantly lower cortisol after a 2.5-hour endurance run than a placebo group.

In one study, researchers examined the effect of 2 weeks of supplementation with vitamin C on cortisol, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, interleukin-6, oxidative stress and neutrophil responses to a single bout of endurance exercise. Nine healthy endurance-trained males exercised for 2.5 hours at 60% VO2max after two weeks of placebo or Vitamin C (1,000 mg day) supplementation. All participants completed both trials utilizing a randomised crossover design with a minimum 14 day washout period between trials. At the end of the 2 week study, men who consumed 1 gram of vitamin C a day for two weeks, they had significantly lower cortisol after a 2.5-hour endurance run than a placebo group. Vitamin C is just about the cheapest supplement that you can buy that will help control cortisol levels and reduce free radical damage.

Davison, G., Gleeson, M. The Effect of Two Weeks Vitamin C Supplementation on Immunoendocrine Responses to 2.5 Hours Cycling Exercise in Man. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2006. 97(4), 454-461.

Liakakos D. (1975). Inhibitory effect of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) on cortisol secretion following adrenal stimulation in children.. Clin Chim Acta. 65 (3), 251-5.

Peters EM. (2001). Attenuation of increase in circulating cortisol and enhancement of the acute phase protein response in vitamin C-supplemented ultramarathoners.. Int J Sports Med. 22 (2), 120-6.

Peters EM. (2001). Vitamin C supplementation attenuates the increases in circulating cortisol, adrenaline and anti-inflammatory polypeptides following ultramarathon running.. Int J Sports Med. 22 (7), 537-43.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant against free radicals and assists in the protection against immune system deficiencies.*


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