Infinite Mass Gainer Supplement Review
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Infinite Mass Gainer Supplement Review
Some of the top ranked gurus in the industry who work with top bodybuilders all say the exact same thing, “Many bodybuilders do not eat enough food to support the muscle gains they want to make!” So if you want to start growing, “You need to start eating!”
“In order to be a mass monster…you have to eat like a monster.” If you look at all the biggest bodybuilders to compete, they all had a very structured eating regimen.
In the offseason, when bodybuilders are trying to put on muscle size, they eat frequently and they train extremely hard. For the average person who works a full time job, unless you have a personal chef cooking meals for you all day long, that’s going to be hard to do. Infinite Labs has the solution for those looking to put on quality mass. This is not an ordinary weight-gainer filled with just a bunch of empty calories, INFINITE MASS™ is loaded with anabolic agents that help drive protein synthesis, burn fat, and increase muscle mass and muscle growth.
Formulated with a precise blend of high quality whey protein, complex carbohydrates (including waxy maize), Glutamine, BCAAs, and essential nutrients, Our Infinite Mass Gainer may activate anabolic action via increased protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, elevated GH and IGF-1 secretion, accelerated glycogen synthesis and improved cell volumization.*
Protein and Carbs Drive Muscle Growth: Infinite Mass Gainer Supplement Review
Back in 2009, researchers examined performance, hormonal, and metabolic responses to an acute bout of resistance exercise. Nine healthy subjects ingested either a high calorie whey protein supplement or a matched placebo for 7 days. Subjects then reported to the laboratory, ingested the corresponding supplement, and performed two consecutive days of heavy resistance exercise testing with associated blood draws.
At the end of the study, the high calorie whey protein supplementation group improved vertical jump power output and the number of repetitions performed at 80% of one repetition maximum. Additionally, the high calorie whey protein supplementation group supplementation increased growth hormone, testosterone, and insulin-like growth factor-1 responses to exercise.
Concentrations of circulating myoglobin and creatine kinase (i.e. markers of muscle damage) were reduced immediately following resistance exercise during the high calorie whey protein supplementation group trial, indicating that the high calorie whey protein supplementation group partially mediated some form of exercise-induced muscle tissue damage.
In summary the high calorie whey protein supplementation group enhanced performance and hormonal responses associated with an acute bout of resistance exercise. These responses indicate that the high calorie whey protein supplementation group supplementation augments the quality of an acute bout of resistance exercise thereby increasing the endocrine signaling and recovery following heavy resistance exercise.
Another study; determined whether resistance exercise performance and post-exercise muscle damage were altered when consuming a carbohydrate and protein beverage. Thirty-four male subjects completed 3 sets of 8 repetitions at their 8 repetition maximum to muscle fatigue. The exercise order consisted of the high pull, leg curl, standing overhead press, leg extension, lat pull-down, leg press, and bench press. In a double-blind, posttest-only control group design, subjects consumed either CHO-PRO drink or placebo (electrolyte and artificial sweetener beverage) 30 minutes prior to exercise, immediately prior to exercise, halfway through the exercise bout, and immediately following the exercise bout. At the end of the study, the catabolic hormone cortisol was significantly elevated in the placebo group compared to the CHO-PRO group at 24 hours post-exercise. Insulin was significantly elevated immediately pre-exercise, after the fourth lift, immediately post-exercise, 1 hour, and 6 hours post-exercise in CHO-PRO compared to the placebo group. The CHO-PRO supplement did not improve performance during a resistance exercise bout, but appeared to reduce muscle damage, as evidenced by the responses of both myoglobin and creatine kinase. These results suggest the use of a CHO-PRO supplement during resistance training to reduce muscle damage and soreness.
Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates supply the body with the energy it needs to function and help your muscles absorb protein more efficiently. They are the main source of blood glucose, which is the major fuel source for all the body’s cells, and the only source for the brain and red blood cells. Glucose can be obtained and stored easily in the body, but when your body is depleted of carbohydrates, glucose is extracted from protein. Simply put, if you’re not eating enough carbohydrates your body will start to break down precious muscle tissue for glucose.
Each serving of INFINITE MASS™ has over 83 grams of complex carbohydrates (including waxy maize) for accelerated glycogen synthesis – giving you larger, fuller and rounder muscles. In a previous study, waxy maize starch was compared to a mixture of maltodextrin and sugars, and to white bread. Twelve lean and fit young men and women received a 50 gram dose of carbohydrates supplied by white bread, waxy maize starch, or a maltodextrin and sucrose mixture (approximately 3:1 ratio), on three different days. Blood glucose and blood insulin responses to the carbohydrate sources were followed for four hours, along with measurements of calorie burning rate and subjective measurements of appetite and fullness. The researchers found waxy maize starch to be slowly digested and absorbed, producing a much smaller increase in blood sugar and insulin. Waxy maize starch appears to provide slow, sustained delivery of energy to the body.
In a recent study, researchers were looking at what macros were responsible for long-term weight gain, researchers reported that high carbohydrate feeding was associated with long term weight gain; in essence you needs quality carbohydrates to gain weight. Clinical studies suggest the anti-catabolic synergism of carbohydrate-protein mixtures is more effective for post-exercise glycogen replenishment than carbohydrates alone. With its superior combination of efficient calories, fast-absorbing carbohydrates and quality proteins, INFINITE MASS™ taken after weight-training exercise helps create an anabolic environment that my be favorable to protein synthesis and muscle growth.
Whey Protein: Whey protein not only a vital building component for muscle tissue, but it also plays a major role in your daily performance. By being a direct precursor to building muscle and essential amino acids, the content from whey protein will help your muscles grow and recover quicker. Whey Protein is also responsible for synthesizing anabolic hormones such as insulin, growth hormone and IGF-1. INFINITE MASS™ gives you 32 grams of high quality whey protein. Thus, to help boost anabolism and reduce muscle breakdown immediately following a workout you want to load your muscles with Infinite Mass™.
MCTs: There is evidence to suggest that short-term consumption of MCT increases energy expenditure in humans and results in decreased fat cell size and body weight accretion in animals. Medium chain fatty acids are readily oxidized in the liver. Animal and human studies have shown that the fast rate of oxidation of MCFA leads to greater energy expenditure. Most animal studies have also demonstrated that the greater energy expenditure with MCFA relative to saturated fats or long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) results in decreased size of fat depots after several months of consumption. By adding MCTs to the weight gain formula, you’re less likely to store body.
Glutamine: L-glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the bloodstream and it makes up 30-35% of the amino acid nitrogen in your blood. L-glutamine can be found in animal proteins such as meats and dairy, along with plant based protein sources such as beans, raw spinach, parsley and red cabbage. Although, the plant proteins are not as easily digestible as the animal proteins. Skeletal muscle is the major tissue involved in glutamine synthesis and is known to release glutamine into the circulation. Its alleged effects can be classified as anabolic and immunostimulatory. Periods of very heavy training are associated with a chronic reduction in plasma concentrations of glutamine and it has been suggested that this may be partly responsible for the immunodepression apparent in many endurance athletes. The effects of acute exercise on plasma glutamine concentration appear to be largely dependent on the duration and intensity of exercise.
One of the major functions of glutamine is to regulate the immune system as its utilization at high rates by leukocytes (particularly lymphocytes) to provide energy and optimal conditions. Prolonged exercise is associated with a decrease in the intramuscular and plasma concentrations of glutamine and it has been hypothesized that this decrease in glutamine availability could impair immune function. The intramuscular concentration of glutamine is known to be related to the rate of net protein synthesis and there is also some evidence for a role for glutamine in promoting glycogen synthesis.
This hardcore formula packs 530 mass building calories of the highest quality protein and ingredients to deliver lean mass and support a rock hard physique. As a massive anabolic stack, it is loaded with 35 grams of fast acting protein for crucial nutrient timing of essential aminos fueling dense, bulging muscles and 81 grams of energy driving carbohydrates to support mammoth gains.
Unlike other weight gainers, which can leave you bloated, INFINITE MASS™ contains waxy maize carbohydrates. Waxy Maize is a corn starch that has been formulated for easy and fast digestion. Waxy Maize passes through the stomach and intestines much faster than other type of carbohydrates. Waxy Maize passes through the stomach and intestine much faster than dextrose and maltodextrin and thus shuttling water and nutrients directly into muscle tissue. As a result, there is no bloating and also you’re able to eat again sooner.
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Infinite Mass Gainer Supplement Review