Better Muscle Pumps with L-Glutamine
Table of Contents
Studies have shown that L-Glutamine supplementation can minimize breakdown of muscle and improve protein metabolism. Find out everything you need to know about glutamine and how it can help you!
L-Glutamine may help give you Better Muscle Pumps, Most people think of L-Glutamine as a recovery agent, as most of the earlier research reported the anti-catabolic actions of L-Glutamine. During catabolic states, such as illness and after trauma, glutamine release increases rapidly. Skeletal muscle is the major tissue involved in glutamine synthesis. L-Glutamine has muscle-sparing effects by increasing protein synthesis and decreased protein breakdown. Furthermore, during catabolic states, such as post-surgery and exhaustive endurance exercise, glutamine levels fall.
Prolonged exercise is associated with a reduction in the intramuscular and plasma concentrations of L-Glutamine, and it has been hypothesized that this decline in L-Glutamine availability could impair immune function. There is also some evidence to suggest that a depressed immune system associated with ‘‘overtraining syndrome’’ may be one consequence of low glutamine.

Glutamine for Muscle Pumps and Glycogen Replacement
One of the lesser known uses of L-Glutamine is that it enhances muscle pumps. L-Glutamine is readily taken up into skeletal muscle via the high-capacity, sodium-dependent system, resulting in an increased intramuscular glutamine concentration and thus promoting cell swelling. One of the lesser known effects of L-Glutamine is that it can replenish glycogen levels which can improve workout recovery. Glutamine can also help out with replenishing muscle glycogen levels similar to carbohydrates. One study compared L-Glutamine to a glucose after exhaustive exercise. After the exercise bout, the subjects then consumed 330 ml of one of three drinks, a glucose polymer solution, 8 grams L-Glutamine in 330 ml glucose polymer solution, or 8 grams L-Glutamine in 330 ml placebo. At the end of the study, the researchers found that L-Glutamine alone promoted storage of muscle glycogen to an extent similar to oral glucose polymer. In conclusion, ingestion of glutamine alone appeared to promote muscle glycogen resynthesis during recovery from exhaustive exercise. The promotion of muscle glycogen synthesis by consumption of glucose polymer and L-Glutamine was not additive. However, the addition of glutamine to the glucose polymer drink resulted in a greater storage of carbohydrate in sites other than skeletal muscle, the most likely candidate being the liver. So if your on a low carb diet or just looking to get a better pump in the gym, be sure to load up with some L-Glutamine.
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