Liposomal Magnesium
Liposomal Magnesium

Are Supplements the Best Form of Magnesium To Take?

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Magnesium Matters: Should You Opt for Supplements or Natural Sources?

Are you in the race to consume more magnesium without knowing which is the best form of magnesium to take? Various supplements of magnesium are available in a variety of forms. Each of these magnesium supplements has its own specifications and perks. From magnesium citrate to magnesium sulfate, you must know their difference, so that you can pick the best form of supplement that works for your needs. 

In this blog, we are going to talk about the best forms of magnesium to take, magnesium benefits, and how they are useful for your overall health needs. Be it for reducing muscle cramps, improving mental health, or strengthening bone health, magnesium supplements can support you in many ways for proper functioning.  

Various Form Of Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium is a mineral that is known to be essential for many processes and functions within a human body. However, not all magnesium supplements are similar. Many magnesium supplements affect the absorption of magnesium in the body. These are some of the well-knownthe magnesium supplements:

Magnesium Citrate

Many supplements are composed of magnesium citrate. It is the salt of citric acid, normally present in most of the citrus fruits. Therefore, it is a readily available and bioavailable supplement in nature. When it comes to magnesium citrate intake it usually is there to help with the digestion problems. It is helpful for those who have constipation.

Magnesium Oxide

This type of magnesium supplement is anaerobic, (oxygen free) but it is absorbed slowly in the body and is mostly used to ease constipation and migraine headaches. As its absorption rate is low, it is required frequently for increasing magnesium level.

Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate is a highly bioavailable form of Liposomal Magnesium. It is formed by the combination of magnesium with glycine, an amino acid (a compound formed by combining the nitrogen-containing amino group and a carboxylic acid molecule). It is the gentlest form of stimulant laxatives to the stomach. That makes it quite convenient for those who have been sensitive to the effects of laxatives.

Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium chloride makes for a good magnesium supplement. It is frequently used to maintain the optimal magnesium levels for those suffering from magnesium deficiency. In the form of magnesium supplement, it helps for maintenance of magnesium levels in the body.

Magnesium Taurate

Taurine, an amino acid involved in many biological functions is present in magnesium taurate. It improves cell power and energy metabolism. Also, it passes through the brain to enhance the concentration power of the brain. It helps in reducing anxiety symptoms and help in preventing occurrence of any damage to brain tissue.

Magnesium L-Threonate

Hexahydroxymagnesium L-threonate, in combination with threonic acid, an outcome from vitamin C decomposition helps in reducing magnesium ion status in neurons. It improves the function of the central nervous system. Apart from relieving pain, magnesium L-Threonate is helpful in reducing inflammation and pain. 

Magnesium Hydroxide

Magnesium Hydroxide is included into the majority of OTC laxatives that acts as a saline laxative. It takes part in water retaining process into the intestines, promoting easier bowel movements and indigestion. It comes with anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.

Magnesium Lactate

It is formed when magnesium combines with lactic acid. It is not et it is not often used in dietary supplements. Certain  studies  indicates that it is easy on the stomach and is helpful in treating symptoms of anxiety and stress

Magnesium Sulfate

Commonly known as Epsom salt, magnesium sulfate is derived when magnesium combines together with sulfur and oxygen. As such, it appears similar to table salt.  Magnesium sulfate is widely used in baths to soothe sores, relax muscles, and get rid of stress. It is used widely in many cosmetic products

When choosing magnesium supplements, consider your needs and talk to your health care practitioner.

Magnesium Supplement And Your Diet

To match your speed and efficiency, today's fast-paced, modern lifestyle require foods that are rich in magnesium. Magnesium works the way for all vital mechanisms of the body. At the same time supplementing magnesium the root of magnesium deficiencies that are caused by wrong food choices. In case of lack of magnesium, the best form of magnesium to take is the solution.

Apart from relieving from abdominal issues, magnesium also helps in relieving constipation, boost energy, and optimizing athletic performance.

Magnesium is not only an essential nutrient but also known for its calming effect when taken with meals. It may aid better sleep quality and help those suffering from insomnia.

Further, when magnesium is combined with certain other vitamins or minerals, it can be more beneficial. For example, addition of magnesium citrate to calcium citrate may result in higher calcium absorption rates than calcium citrate. It is especially good for persons who are on low-calcium diet. Alos, zinc supplement when paired with magnesium threonate have beneficial effect on the cognitive functions. Besides, magnesium help in enhancing the absorption of vitamin D. 

Choose the Best Magnesium Form To Take

Lastly, understanding the different types of magnesium supplements is a relevant factor in making the appropriate choices. Every form of the supplement has unique affect due to its bioavailability, side effects and other risks. 

Options such as liposomal magnesium supplements are currently arising in the market and are the best form of magnesium. They provide targeted delivery and improved absorption. These magnesium benefits makes magnesium supplement for enhancing magnesium levels in the body. Remember, your choice of supplement and dosage depend on your individual needs. 

Let's Sum Up

While magnesium supplements can be a convenient and effective way to boost intake, they are not necessarily the best option for everyone.

A diet rich in magnesium-containing foods remains the gold standard for meeting daily requirements. However, for those with specific health conditions or dietary limitations, supplements can play a supportive role in maintaining optimal magnesium levels. As with any supplement, it's crucial to approach magnesium supplementation with informed caution and professional guidance.

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